Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wildflowers in the Neighborhood

It rained!  We had a wonderful weekend of slow drizzling rain and oh, how we needed it.  The animals seemed to be enjoying it.

Some were enjoying it more than others.

Since today is Wildflower Wednesday, I decided to drive around my neighborhood to see if I could find something exciting to share with other wildflower enthusiasts from around the world.  This is what I found.

A slow moving turtle (I guess they are all slow moving) stopped in the middle of the road to rest before he finished the marathon.  Doesn't he realize the danger?  I picked him up and moved him to the grass.  He never said thank you.

Go away and leave me alone.
A few miles later on the highway, I spied this little fellow who had been flipped upside down by a fast moving vehicle.

I stopped, turned him upright and pointed him in the right direction.  He also did not thank me.

Go away and leave me alone.
Since I had not found anything exciting yet, I turned down an unfamiliar road and was suddenly in the cornfields of Iowa!

Then my luck changed. I found some blooms.

It seems slowing down, getting out of the car and looking closer was the secret to finding things of interest.  Slowing hard to do.

Additional Links

Wildflower Wednesday, Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wild Things in the Garden, June 27, 2018


  1. Great photos! Glad you rescued the turtles! Pretty flowers!
    I have seen cows in the ponds here, too - just trying to keep cool!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week
    Happy Wildflower Wednesday!

  2. I love your box turtle pictures! They often stop on the pavement because it's warm and being reptiles they love the extra heat. I've never seen any in the wild, just at nature centers, zoos or as pets. Thanks for sharing them and for helping them across the street.

    1. The one on the back-road was easy to help but the one that was flipped upside down was on a busy highway. I feared it was dead but it was fine. I was glad to not be rear-ended as I stopped..."but officer, I was saving a turtle's life"...yeah, right.

  3. I love the cat tails and it's hard to find them when they are perfect like that! I love going on the backroads to see what you can find. How neat that you helped the turtles along the way too. I love your blog and now it's in my favs on my sidebar so I don't miss your posts! Hugs!

    1. I checked your blog and I am on the sidebar!!!! I feel important.

      The cat-tails were in a ditch on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. (I checked my ankles for ticks after I got back to the car.) I should not do such crazy things but climbing through ditches beside the road taking pictures, adds a bit of excitement to my boring life.

  4. I'm a turtle rescuer too! Lovely wildflowers

  5. Hi Jeannie, I love wildflowers and the ones you took pictures of are native here, too.....So glad you got rain and we did, too. I hope Scooter is happy and healthy!

    1. I don't know if Scooter is happy. I'm not speaking to him. He woke me up last night and led me to the kitchen. He kept turning around to make sure I was following him. He has done that when his water bowl was empty but last night it was full. He loudly lapped up half a bowl of water (so loud he woke Bill, who was in our bedroom and Dustin, who was upstairs). Scooter then hopped back in bed and went to sleep!!!!! I don't know why he did that but I wanted to stomp him!

    2. He must have wanted to impress you with his slurping skills.

  6. On each of our weekly walks, I am reminded how many flowers you can see, if you look. Many eyes, in our group, find even more.

    1. I would have loved more eyes helping me search. All I had was my reading glasses and I can't wear them while driving.
