The month began at a balmy 75 degrees (F) and then dropped to 26 degrees (F) within 24 hours. For three nights in a row, it dipped to the lower twenties and killed about 60% of the seedlings. We went from summer to winter in one day.
Nothing was hardened off enough to withstand the sudden shock. The leaves were frostbitten and useless for eating.
1,000 Head Kale |
Vitaminna |
When I first lifted the hoop house covers, it smelled like an old, slimy rotten salad forgotten in the back of a refrigerator. With most of the decay removed now, the new growth has begun to leaf out. There have been some sunny days so the recovery has been rapid.
Unknown name from my saved seeds |
Purple Lady Bok Choy |
Stem Mustard, Tsa Tsai |
More seedlings were planted this year than in previous ones because my list of favorite, winter must-have vegetables keeps growing longer; however, this is all that lived. It will not be enough to feed us through the winter.
For some odd reason, this one tatsoi survived without much damage at all. It looks so good I hate to pick it. If it makes seeds, I might plant a whole field next year.
Tatsoi |
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