I HAVE A WATERMELON! I HAVE A WATERMELON! I HAVE A WATERMELON! Nevermind I am the world's worst at knowing when to harvest them at peak flavor, but I HAVE A WATERMELON! I HAVE A WATERMELON!
And since I am bragging, here is my AWESOME compost pile! In previous years I would have already dug it up and moved the dirt to the garden by now. However, since I am behind on everything, the impatient compost pile decided to plant itself. Everything growing is a volunteer.
The other side looks a bit disgusting, but we will ignore that fact because...
look what I found when I parted the leaves! Tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another success is the blueberry bush, which Bill wrapped in the cloth I used for the winter garden hoop houses. He saw mockingbirds helping themselves and decided to do something about it. Although looking out the bedroom window at night, it looks like a ghost and causes Scooter to bark when the wind is blowing.
My yellow squash plant looks like a success, but I am reserving judgment. Squash vine borers are a HUGE problem for me and last year I gave up fighting them and went one whole year without growing any squash to (hopefully) cause them to die out. We shall see.
Squash vine borers, emerge in May and June from cocoons which have wintered over in the ground. The moth then lays eggs on the stems and the larvae bore into the stems, killing the plant. They have two life cycles here in Tennessee. Covering the plant with fabric does not work because they emerge up from the soil inside the hoop house. Spraying does not work because they bore inside the vine and the poison will not reach them. Unless you happen to spray, in the right place at the right time just as they begin to bore, they continue to survive. Sometimes they are on the underside of the stem which never receives poison. I have tried EVERYTHING.
This is what I am trying in hopes it will deter them from getting to the stems. This is under the leaves before I did anything.
I cut off the outer leaves, sprinkled poison on the stems, pulled the blooms off so the bees will avoid the plant for a few days, then covered the stems with cut grass.
Hopefully, the moths will not be able to get to the stem to lay the eggs. However, they have probably already done that since it is the end of June. Normally I get a good harvest for a few weeks, then the plant dies. I will plant more seeds and try again, but usually, it happens again.
Commercial farmers are able to rotate their crops from one huge field to another huge field and keep the moths from finding all of the plants. Rotating from one side of my garden to the other does not seem to work. They just fly over. This is my big experiment for this year. Maybe???? they died out last year.
This is the area by the field fence and it was the first spot planted in the spring. It has beans and a few okra.
This is the middle of the garden, out of control weeds.
This is the area closest to the house which was the last to be planted. It has peanuts on the left (with quite a few empty spots), bush lima beans, tomatoes in the center and sweet potatoes on the far right.
This is the area by the back fence. It will be my winter garden this year, carrots first, then kale and swiss chard.
I looked out and saw four of these catching bugs in the beans. I was quite happy.
As I watched they wandered to the sweet potatoes and began munching on more bugs. I was even happier.
Then one waltzed over to my strawberry bed and PULLED THE NETTING OFF! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT! There are no pictures of the following events. I was too busy running out the door, screaming, waving my hands, and being obnoxious to slow down to take a picture. A startled Scooter ran behind me barking loudly.
As I examined the strawberry bed for damage, untangled the netting and secured it firmer, Scooter decided to join me. He plopped down on top of the strawberries, right where the turkeys had been pecking.
Scooter, I demanded, "Why are you sitting on top of my strawberries?"
Scooter replied, "Silly Mom. I am the bravest of the brave and am standing guard so they will never return."
"You are so lucky to have me."