Dearest Nana,
It is lonely up here in Tennessee without you and I miss you terribly. However, the weather has been cold, icy and miserable. I understand you are busy taking care of Cousin Beau in the tropical state of Alabama. The weather is better there so do stay where it is warmer and don't worry about my sufferings.
The package you sent arrived safely and I appreciate you thinking of me, being your favorite grandchild does have its advantages. The treats were delicious and very enjoyable. I insisted Joshua hold up one so you will be sure to know which are my favorites. I will not receive any monetary compensation for my endorsement but want to be sure you know which are the best for future reference.
Due to my excitement, I was chewing so fast all the pictures were blurry. Joshua offered to hold me still to help with Mom's photo op.
As for the other present - my new sweater. Mom was thrilled. She used words like "cute," "precious," and the absolute worst was "darling."

Oh, Nana, I don't want to seem unappreciative, you are so generous, but...well... please don't listen to Mom anymore. She means well, but... she does not understand. The next time she hints at wanting a sweater, socks or even booties for me, tell her "Nothing screams elegance and style like real fur."
Nana, treats are the only way to a pooch's heart.
Love and hugs from your favorite grandchild,
Hi Jeannie,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post by Scooter! He's such an eloquent's a gift. What I love the most about this post is the look on Joshua's face. He looks like a little boy caught in his mother's diabolical plot. Haha
Joshua was trapped and less than pleased when I informed him it was his turn to pose for pictures. His brothers were glad they were not chosen.
DeleteNana called right after she read it and we laughed together. Her first comment was to tell me to cut Joshua's hair. We didn't have time on this visit but I promised her I will grab him the next time he is here. She is old-school when it comes to men's hair. Then she instructed me to buy more for Scooter when he runs out. My to-do list keeps growing.
As it can be seen, particularly on the last photo- Scooter has glossy silky fur.
ReplyDeleteI do not know much about dogs, but I believe that this fact also means, he gets the right nutrition.
I think he gets too much nutrition because he has become a little bit fat! We buy him a good quality dog food, which he does not like, but his opinion does not matter to us. We also buy him canned dog food and mix it with his dry dog food. We put the food down for him once a day in the evening. He eats what he wants then we put it back in the refrigerator for the next day. We leave the dry dog food down all the time because he only eats it when he is really hungry. Many times we will hear him eating his dry food in the middle of the night when he has realized he will not be getting any table scrapes. He will give up and eat the dry dog food. The only way he loves to eat the dry dog food is if Bill tosses it to him one piece at a time. For some reason trying to catch it as it flies through the air makes it taste much better.
DeleteScooter prefers to eat what we eat but I am careful that he does not get more than a few bites. I let him eat vegetables and meats but do not give him any sweets. He needs to eat the dry, hard dog food to keep his teeth clean. He does not eat much food when he is laying around all day watching Bill work but when we spend the day outside, he will eat a huge amount of food.
His fur feels silky soft especially after a bath. I am allergic (itch) to regular dog's fur but Scooter has hair, like humans. He does not shed or loose his hair like a regular dog. It grows like our hair and must be trimmed. I wanted him because of his hair. He also does not smell like a regular dog. He has no scent, well, unless he finds something nasty out in the yard and decides to roll in it.
I just found you and was laughing when I read Scooters note to his grandma. I had a friend one time who wrote his whole Christmas letter for the year from his dogs perspective. It was so funny. Scooter looks like a sweetie pie. We lost our little Merlin a year ago at 18 years old. Give Scooter an extra hug from Crystal in Nevada. Thanks for making me smile today.
ReplyDeleteHello Ms. Crystal from Nevada. Welcome to my blog. I let Mom post a few things from time to time, but my stories are more popular. My Nana says I write better than Mom and complains when she does not post any pictures of me. You are welcome to visit all you want.
Moschos from Australia sends his greetings and salutation to Scooter. He concurs with Scooter on the dreaded subject of BOOTIES. Moschos's mum bought him booties when she was in Canada and every time, ahem, we make the attempt to put the booties on, world war three breaks out.
ReplyDeleteOh Moschos! I am so sorry to hear you too are persecuted by BOOTIES! Why human women want to dress us up like baby dolls is beyond my understanding. Continue fighting for your self respect. Don't ever give in.
DeleteYour Comrade in the USA,