Sunday, July 15, 2018

Today's Blooms, July 15, 2018

July seems to be a typical month for our area (southern middle Tennessee, USA).  The rain has stopped, the heat has soared and the humidity is brutal.  Working outside is not an option.  I am hunkered down inside hibernating until September's cool weather.  I did manage to rush out and take pictures while constantly wiping the condensation from the camera lens.

The late-blooming daylilies are almost finished so the phlox and coneflowers have taken over.  


My favorite is last.  A few zinnias reseeded from last year's flowers and surprised me.  I know better than to expect them to last long, but I am enjoying them while they are alive.  Growing zinnias is hard for me. 

"Stop whining about the hot weather." snapped Scooter.  "At least you aren't wearing a fur coat!"

"I stand corrected and Pack Leader will fix that problem." replied Mom.    

"I am completely naked now.  It's so embarrassing."

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  1. Beautiful Lilies, and I love the Coneflowers, too!
    I know what you mean about the camera lens fogging up- I have to delete a lot of blurry photos because I forgot to wipe the lens before each shot.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. I can only imagine, with horror, that kind of humidity. We have had temperatures in the 90's this week, with today supposed to be 98. So, I'm running the sprinkler over the beans in hope that they won't drop their blossoms in the heat. Time will tell.

    Your flowers are gorgeous. They must like the weather. I actually don't have a ton blooming right now, but the zinnias are starting to come along, and there is a blue hydrangea under the weeds, that I will get out when it cools off. There are a few other things, but the previous owner seems to have liked spring-blooming things like rhododendrons and bulbs.

    1. The previous homeowner here seemed to like roses (I have one) and white iris. Everything else was rocks, rocks and more rocks.

  3. Your humidity may be off the charts, Jeannie, but your daylilies sure seem happy with it! Poor Scooter - I hope he comes out of hiding soon.

    1. He is much more energetic now that he is cooler but he won't sit down on the brick floor in the kitchen. He sits down, then immediately jumps up and moves to a throw rug. We think it freezers his rear end.

  4. What a wonderful collection of blossoms. The daylilies are especially beautiful. I need more daylilies in my garden.

    1. There is no such thing as too many daylilies.

  5. I love your daylilies and Scooter. Hope he's gotten used to his "summer cut" as we call it at our house. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi mom!

    Pretty flowers. So I am cooking the chicken. I picked up the food temp reader so I have at least done the bare minimum to not kill myself learning to cook in my new apartment. I decided to try pouting in some of the lemon juice since I have so much from that bulk order. Lemon flavored chicken sounds interesting! Or a mistake...... we will find out.

    Happy Monday!

    1. YAHOO! YAHOO! Joshua has read my blog!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you considered it mind numbingly boring! Gosh, what loneliness will do to a man in a new apartment. I am so glad you are desperate enough to call your ole' Mom. Sorry to be slow replying but you know I am in bed before 8:15 PM, it is exhaustion caused by old age.

      Since I have your attention, I yanked the phone out of the wall which is why I haven't been answering. I reached the end of my rope. The robocalls and phone solicitors finally drove me off the cliff. Ten calls within two and a half hours did it. Leave a message on the answering machine and I will call back.

      Oh, about the chicken, yes, lemon works great along with pepper. Keep cooking so you don't starve! The food temp reader for the meat is a good idea, very good idea. Food poisoning is a bad idea.

      Your father and I are very proud of you and miss you. Thanks for reading my blog. You are now the golden child and have received a gold star! You can brag to your brothers if you want.

  7. Most of the posts i've been to have daylilies! I love that one with a bit purplish color. However, they can't grow well here in our hot tropics. Your dog is so cute!

  8. I like the sweet scent of phlox. I do not have this plant in our garden and I do not find it in gardens in our area. The reason is that they get mildew when it is hot and dry in summer.
    But your phlox looks so nice and healthy. Enjoy the scent!

    1. After you mentioned the scent, I went out to the garden and smelled mine. There is no scent and it has never gotten mildew in the few years I have grown it. I wonder if it is different than anything you have ever seen growing. It was a gift so I don't know the name. I would prefer it to have a nice smell.

  9. Nice Daylilies and I enjoyed the interchange with your son. Sounds like you want a callblocker on your phone line. It's not perfect but it does stop repeat offenders.

    1. Yes, John, that is exactly what I want, a call-blocker. It is a landline and the phone is (was) about 14 years old. It had no special features because, well, there weren't many available back then. The volume was loud and less loud without a "silent" button. It is well past time for an upgrade, only I hate learning new technology and a new phone would require me to read the instruction manual. I could work the old phone, just couldn't turn it off. It is definitely, (maybe permanently) off now.

    2. We have had a lot of heat and humidity here in Massachusetts - off the charts as far as I'm concerned. Fortunately, the heat wave has let up - for the moment.

    3. I have been hearing the complaints from other garden friends and I thought everyone was exaggerating. Then I heard the temperature has been in the mid-nineties, that is unbearably HOT! I admit I was wrong and gladly pass the bragging rights on to ya'll.

  10. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful daylilies! I have quite a few, but many are infested with gall midge, which distorts the flowers. It's very hard to get rid of, but I'm slowly working on it. So sorry you have such unbearably hot weather and humidity. It's been very dry here, but not as hot or humid as you. Still not comfortable weather for working out in the garden.

    1. I checked your weather and it is still in the 90's - that is HOT and miserable in my opinion!!!!!

      Gall Midge is a new one on me. I looked it up and was horrified. What a nasty little bug and there are hundreds of species. There couldn't be just one kind, which would be too much, but there has to be hundreds. I hope it never finds me.
