Thursday, August 20, 2020

Welcome Back, Dear Deer

Since the horses have been gone for a while, the deer have returned to enjoy the overgrown fields and deliver their young.  This week I caught Mama Doe in the woods behind our house munching on weeds.  I was happy to see she had a tiny new one with her.

"Blind woman!" huffed Mama Doe.  "I have two new fawns, not one.  Put on your glasses!" 

"I'm scared said Tinest One."

"Stand still" ordered Mama Doe.  "Don't fear.  The lady human is not dangerous, just boring.  Her life is spent pulling delicious weeds out of her garden and tossing them in the corner compost pile." 

"Pose, let her snap a picture then she will be gone. We have made her day."  

Deer Family Chronicles


  1. Beautiful photos of some beauties!

  2. How awesome is that! I would have loved to be there seeing them for myself.

  3. So, how long was Dad standing by the window with his binoculars?

    1. You know us too well. One of the little ones spent the day in my flowerbed so we have been watching for them. We thought there was only one until Dad saw all three of them them out the kitchen window. They didn't like it when I opened the door so I only stuck my hand and camera out to take the pictures. They are so cute.

  4. Oh my! They've made my day too! How precious and such great photos! I would love to see a fawn here. Hugs, Diane

  5. Lovely photos! This mother deer and her fawns are beautiful to look at. They are all well
    nourished as they have the ideal conditions for a healthy growth. And you will have the chance to see how quickly the little fawns will grow.

    1. Hopefully, they will grow quickly because they were born late in the season and need some weight on them before cold weather. Now I sound just like a mother worrying about all the young ones.
