Monday, February 18, 2019

Scooter Feels Bad

Oh, how horrible I feel.  I am so pitiful.  Dustin is carrying me because I am too anethesized to walk.

Mom has been mean to me.  She carried me to the veterinarian this morning for my rabies shot and to be knocked out so they could clean my teeth.  Oh, did they knock me out hard!  My teeth were not dirty, even though I did dig up some delicious rotten potato peelings in the compost pile.  She claimed I had bad breath which wasn't true!

Pack Leader and Dustin blamed Mom.  They said it was her idea and all her fault.  They had nothing to do with it so please don't be mad at them.

The room is spinning and I am not happy.  Tomorrow Mom owes me a cup of chicken noodle soup.


  1. It seems that the narcotic incapacitated Scooter for quite a while. Well, Dustin provided
    good care. How often does this vaccination takes place?

    1. He must get a rabies vaccination once a year as dictated by law. Rabies can be transmitted if you are bitten by an infected wild animal. Since people can also get it, dogs and cats should all be vaccinated once a year.

      Scooter was sedated for the teeth cleaning. While he was out, they gave him the shot and also clipped his toenails. Since he stays indoors and walks mostly on grass, his nails don't get worn down enough. We clip his nails, but he does not cooperate and pulls away. The vet says you should get their teeth cleaned once a year but it is expensive so we only do it every other year.

  2. Poor Scooter! I did not realize they knocked him out for the tooth cleaning. Let's hope he is recovered by now.

    I feel just like Scooter today. Like I got knocked out. It's been a long, long week with kids, kids, kids. But, today, I rested and visited with my Mom, who came for lunch. She asked if I was too tired, and I said, "ARE YOU KIDDING? If you come over, I can sit and do NOTHING with no guilt!" So, she rescued me from cleaning and other chores and we had a great time. I used a jar of canned meat and veggies, with a jar of green beans and a jar of tomato juice, some water, salt and pepper and it was soup. She brought muffins. Yum! I'm sure both Scooter and I will perk up tomorrow!

    1. I am glad your Mom came for a visit. It is time you sit down and rest for a while! The soup sounds good - it is definitely soup weather.

      Scooter is back to feeling good. He enjoyed drinking beef broth for a few days while his mouth was sore but now doesn't want his dog food. He has started picking up a piece, bringing it in the living room and dropping it on the floor. He wants to make sure everyone sees he is being forced by starvation to eat it. I think he is a bit spoiled.

  3. Poor Scooter. He is so cute. Give him some extra chicken soup.

    1. Marybeth, I think he is sloshing from all he has been enjoying not to mention getting his antibiotic pill twice a day hidden in some peanut butter.

  4. Hello, Scooter, so sorry you had to be knock out for the teeth cleaning. I am glad Dustin and your Mom are taking good care of you. The chicken soup sounds yummy. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead. PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

  5. It's me again, attempting another test comment!!

    1. WELCOME JO! Your comment came through! Hopefully Blogger has finally gotten the glitch fixed.
