Saturday, December 31, 2022

December's Garden (2022)

The old saying is true, "Death comes in threes." This month we lost Mom, then Scooter, and now my garden is gone.

Most of the middle of the USA was hit by a massive polar vortex of bitter arctic air that froze the nation. My area had 30-mile-an-hour wind gusts and temperatures between the lower 20s and zero degrees Fahrenheit for four days. The garden has endured low temperatures before but the high winds were too much. It was destroyed. 

The death of a garden is obviously nothing in comparison to the loss of Mom and Scooter but it is compounded pain. It is like a sore thumb that keeps getting smashed. My heart keeps getting trampled.

The garden is a difficult loss for us since we eat from it daily and share it with others. Prices are rising and shortages are rapidly increasing in my area. Winter vegetables taste better in cold weather but more importantly, they are medicine for our health problems. It was a big disappointment.

Below is last year's garden at this exact same time.  This is the amount of produce that I was striving to have as we move into the colder months of winter. This was the plan. This was my dream.

December 29, 2021

As I look back, this year I worked much harder than last but was met with repeated defeat (drought and pestilence).  I tried as hard as I could but failed. It just wasn't my year for a fall or winter garden.

December 29, 2021

My brother put life into perspective as we were sadly going through Mom's possessions at her assisted living apartment after she had passed.  We had her room torn apart and were sorting her things into various piles to be donated. He said, we had been hit by a tornado and were digging through the rubble trying to salvage what we could; next, we needed to move on and rebuild. Life is one tornado right after the other. 

His wisdom made sense. This year my family has experienced more tornados than we can count and they just keep coming.

When the weather clears, I will return to the garden to begin salvaging anything that might be edible. There are a few plants with tiny green leaves hidden under the damage that could grow a little if the weather improves. 

Soon, it will be time to start seeds for spring. Rebuilding and planting time is ahead. 


  1. I am so sorry Jeannie! I wanted to tell you how sad I was to hear about your Mother's passing. My mother died recently too and it's been a difficult month for me. And then to lose your precious little dog is so hard too. And to look out at your garden is terrible. I wish I could give you a hug....wish you could give me one back. Take care of yourself and let's both pray for a good year to come. Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Oh Diane! I'm so sorry. I didn't know about your Mom. I haven't read anyone's blog is so long. There just hasn't been enough time but now things seem to be slowing down. I wish you were here or at least close enough so I could get a hug! I'm in for praying for a better year.

  2. And that is what’s so great about this life . . . there’s always room and time for new beginnings. You’ve got the hope in you. I think we all could use a new beginning after the past couple years! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. What a difficult season you've been in, with so many losses. May this bright new year bring more hope and ease in your days.

  4. So sorry that your garden was destroyed in the recent winter storms we were glad it didn't reach over here! I hope 2023 treats you more kindly you have had such a difficult year in 2022. Sarah x

    1. Sarah, I'm glad you didn't get this storm either - it was horrible! Today's high is 60F which is crazy. We have gone from the artic to summer in one week. My husband and I sat outside and drank coffee this morning like it was summer. It is a good way to start off the new year.

  5. Jeannie dear, you didn't need this, too. I'm so sorry. Glad to see some green bits poking up here and there -- hopefully they, plus what you've got stashed, are engouh to get you through to spring. This WILL pass. I promise.

    1. We have the vegetables I canned from the summer garden so we aren't looking at starving. It is the fresh greens we are missing. In the winter we eat a big salad almost every day and then have other winter vegetables (carrots, beets, stir-fry, vegetable soups) at other meals. I had wanted us to eat mainly from the winter garden and save the summer canned vegetables another year so I could have a smaller garden. I'm tired of gardening. With prices rising, guess less work is not an option.

      The hardest part is losing Mom and Scooter. That still hurts deeply. I still cry every day. You are right. It will pass. All I need is time.

    2. A book that made a major impact on me -- A GRIEF OBSERVED by C.S. Lewis, written after his wife died. In fact, it was so personal that he first published it under a pseudonym. It may help you, too. Hugs to my friend.

    3. Cindy, I love C.S. Lewis and will read the book. I'm willing to try anything. I will let you know what I think.

  6. So sorry about your losses, Jeannie. It is so hard when everything happens at once. Here's to some brighter days ahead.

    1. Beth, I keep thinking it has GOT to be a better year. Yesterday I began looking at seed catalogs online and am trying to get excited about spring coming. My husband has been encouraging me to buy seeds! He knows that always gives me hope. This year WILL BE BETTER! It will. It will. It will.

  7. Jeannie,
    I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. I just recently found the time to read blogs again and just found out about your losses. I'm glad you are looking at seeds. There is so much hope in a tiny little seed. Such a miracle, in such a little package. It's good your boys could all come home to spend time. You guys hang in there. Our prayers are with you.

    1. It is good to hear from you again. I, too, have not been able to spend time reading other blogs. Life has been too erratic. This coming year is absolutely going to be better!
