Thursday, August 15, 2019

Today's Blooms, August 15, 2019

For the first time ever, I am successfully growing zinnias! 

There are people who think "What's the big deal?  Anybody can grow zinnias.  Just throw out the seeds."  Not me, I have tried for years and have never been able to grow a healthy zinnia.

Zinnias have even sprouted in the path.  It is so thrilling to see them alive that I don't have the heart to pull them up.

My cosmos are the tallest they have ever been and they have been in this spot since I first planted them. They seed themselves and I don't argue.  Scooter graciously agreed to pose in front to show scale. The only difference between this and previous years is that two of the three Bodock trees are gone.  If I had known how awesome sunshine could be for flowers, I would have knocked those thorny trees down myself years ago!

Last month I showed how my one and only rose bush was growing on the wrong side of the flower bed.  It has bowed to my demands - a rock sitting on top smashing it over was the solution.  Now it is growing in the center.  Sometimes brute force is the answer.

Perfectly in the center now.
Reese, you were right.  The portulaca in Granddad's old wheelbarrow began to bloom after I stopped watering it.

Of course, I removed the spent watermelon plant that had appeared in the added compost but not after eating the melon first.  It was a tiny, delicious yellow meat variety. 

Yellow meat watermelon
There is one more exciting change to my front yard.

My favorite place to sit, the red swing in the front yard, has become unsafe.  Originally it was hanging from two live trees but one broke during a storm years ago.  Since then we have known the tree roots would eventually rot and cause it to become unsteady.  That day has come.  We hold our breaths as we cautiously sit, hoping it will hold us.

Rot at the base of the trunk.
This month Bill moved my front porch swing and hung it between two cedar trees.  

A stump was put beside the swing to hold coffee cups and then an extra chair was added for visitors.  Bill cut it out of the trunk of the hated bodock tree.  At least one good thing came from that tree.

This is the view while sitting in the new swing.

It is a bit monochromatic so I decided to add a splash of color.  A watering trough was commandeered from Reese's pile of aquaponics supplies.  I filled it with soil and a few flowers. 

Note to Reese:  If you are not pleased with me rummaging through your stuff and taking what I want, feel free to dump the dirt, haul the trough back to your apartment, turn it upside down and make a coffee table. 

Now that there is a new swing to be broken in, there isn't enough time to weed.  Wonder where I could find some help?

"Seriously?" huffed an indignant Scooter.  "You want me to work in the stupid old flower beds?  You've got to be kidding."

"I don't see a single weed anywhere."
"Please, please, please help me. Weeds are everywhere." I pleaded.

"Good grief.  Only this once will I help but don't tell any of my friends I have lowered my standards and worked in a flower bed.  I would die of embarrassment."

Pull, pull.
I hope the guys don't see me.  They would never stop laughing.

Additional Links:
Next Month's Blooms, September 15, 2019
Last Month's Blooms, July 21, 2019
Today's Blooms, August 15, 2018
Today's Blooms, August 15, 2017 (Explains my zinnia problems)
In Search of the Elusive Perfect Zinnia
Aquaponics Dreams
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day


  1. Oh my! I love your help! What a sweet companion and every photo looks better with him in it! Love your new swing and the beautiful flowers. My hubby just told me he saw pots of zinnias at the hardware store and I told him I never had luck with them! What a coincidence! Hugs!

    1. I will tell Scooter you think he improves my pictures. He will agree!

  2. That Scooter is quite the dog! Love your yard, and all the flowers. The feed and seeds in our area are dwindling, and I wasn't able to find portulacas this year. I miss them. Love all the rock there too!

    1. Reese gave me the portulacas and said I would love them. He is right again (don't tell him I said so). I was looking closely at them and was wondering if I could save some seeds. I would love to have one huge bed full of them and then never bothering watering.

  3. I used to grow zinnias, but the last few years I have forgotten to sow seeds - yours are beautiful!
    Give Scooter a hug from me
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. FORGOT TO PLANT ZINNIAS! Oh my! I am shocked! I have tried every year for as long as I can remember but then again, they are my favorite flowers. Now I want to try and grow every kind there is in every color available.

      No. I should calm down and weed what I have before I go digging up more beds (my inner adult speaking).

  4. I love that wheelbarrow with the flowers. A swing is almost a necessity of life, isn't it? I love to sit in one better than anything. My husband new a guy that had a regular porch swing in his house. I am happy for you having success with the zinnias...

    1. The wheelbarrow belonged to my late father. He loved his vegetable garden. Didn't care for flowers but he wanted his tomatoes. When his health began to fail, he would ride his mower to the little garden plot in his small yard and pull the wheelbarrow behind it. Now it is falling apart but I won't throw it away.

  5. Your photos are mirror to your life...Zinnias are startling in all blooms...Happy blooms day.

  6. What a lovely private paradise! I guess, now the zinnias have settled in your garden, you will
    have them each year on these sunny places. The front porch swing has an ideal new place together
    with the stump and the bodock chair. But don´t you miss it on your porch or do you have another
    seating furniture in exchange?
    And, by the way, isn´t it great to have a son like Reese who tells his mother how to care for certain plants to make them blooming?

    1. I have wanted a swing in that spot for years. The red swing can still safely hold one person but it wobbles when two are sitting in it. I have just bought a new swing for the front porch. It is metal because it matches the other furniture on the other side of the porch. However, it is not very comfortable. The metal wires are hard. For now, I have an old cushion in it until I can buy something that is thick and is also the right size.

      I am blessed to have Reese and he was born telling me what to do! He called today and said he will be sending me pansies in about a month! Where will I put them?

  7. Your new chair is too beautiful to sit on - love to see all the exposed wood grain.

    Too shady for flowers is what my garden has become. My hiking friend calls it jungly!
