Sunday, May 30, 2021

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...


This is Dustin from GetMeToTheCountry's in-house IT department.

We interrupt our regular broadcast of the gripping, edge-of-your-seat epic drama of Mom's garden blog documenting play-by-play her intense, visceral struggles against the adverse forces of nature such as scorching drought and floods that run uphill as well as ferocious beasts of the wilderness like the fashionable hat-eating horse or the burglarious bullet-resistant armadillo lurking in the night... to bring you a technical services update. This post is a heads-up to our current follow-by-email widget subscribers and RSS feed subscribers (and also so I can test these features to make sure they work).

 Google has indicated their subscription-by-email widget service named "FeedBurner" will go into maintenance mode in July 2021, implying that it is going away at some point. "Follow.It" is our new follow-by-email widget provider. 

For those of you who have already subscribed via email to GetMeToTheCountry, you should still receive notifications of new posts as usual, but now the notifications may look a bit different and you may need to reconfirm your subscription in the next update message. 

As for the RSS feed, the current subscriptions to the old RSS link *should* automatically redirect and you shouldn't have to do anything special to keep it working.

Thank you for your patience as we make these changes. 


  1. That second paragraph tho. A clever sense of humour runs in the family!

    1. Margaret, I handed him my computer and said, "Computer Engineer. Help your old fashioned, computer illiterate Mom and she will go to the garden, pick food and cook you dinner." I left him alone with all of my passwords and returned to see what he had written! It is the price I must pay for free technical support.

  2. I made the switch to too. So far so good! :)

    1. We are still waiting for the first message to be sent so "fingers crossed" that it works.

  3. Looking forward to the next installment!

  4. Hi guys! I received an email that required a confirmation to continue receiving updates. It was super simple to make said switch. It was simple enough that a "technologically illiterate Mother" could do it.

    1. I will tell your brother all of his work wasn't in vain. As long as I know you are getting notifications of new posts, I will be satisfied. Now, If I could get you to read them and not just look at the pictures, I would be happy!

      Joshua won't even reply to the email. I have to make him sit beside me on the couch as I read the posts to him.

  5. I use Feedly. I looked at follow it, but unless you the Blogger choose to pay, it is only free for the first five. That doesn't work for me and my blog.

    1. Oh, that wouldn't do for me either! We were offered 100 free subscribers but as Dustin said, that will probably change eventually. They offer free services and then begin taking it away bit by bit in hopes of getting you to pay. Some of my subscribers looked like spam bots and we deleted them which left room for more subscribers. When this runs out, I will look into Feedly. Thanks for the information.
