Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Second Rainbow?

Rainbow right after sunrise
I awoke this Resurrection Sunday to the second rainbow in two weeks in the sky above my neighborhood.  In the thirteen years, we have lived here, I have never seen one, that I can remember.  Is the Good Lord trying to tell me something?

As usual, I awoke around sunrise with pain in my shoulder.  My first step every morning is to get a cup of coffee and head to the heating pad on the couch.  This morning, however, it was rainy, dreary and cool outside; so for the first time, in a very long time, I took my cup of coffee to my favorite place, the swing on the front porch.  As I opened the front door, I called Scooter to join me.  He looked up at me, yawned, then snuggled down further on the blanket to rest his head on Pack Leader's feet.  I told Bill to kick him off the bed and make him join me outside, lazy dog.  Bill mumbled something and turned over. Not even the dog likes me, I whined as I headed to the porch.

This is the view that brought tears to my eyes as I sat in my favorite place, a rainbow over our field. It had to be for me.  But what does it mean?

It has been a hard year, a very hard year.  As I turned over the calendar page for April, I realized I have either been sick or in pain every day for the past year.  It has been wave after wave of difficulties.  This past week my dear aunt died, my Mom's close sister.  I know, without a doubt, she is with Jesus, laughing, joking, dancing, and probably trying to tell him how to run heaven.  At the funeral, I felt envy for someone who has finished with this world.  She is blessed to finally be done with the misery and suffering.  Am I crazy to be envious or am I just exhausted?

All these thoughts circled my mind as I sat looking at the rainbow.  Joshua called before he left for work and we discussed it.  He said it is a sign of hope because it means the disaster is over, you were protected through it and something good is ahead.  I said it means destruction with fire is ahead so get ready, prepare to duck. Joshua and I never agree on theology.

So, are there any prophets out there with answers?


  1. You should go and get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! (Dustin)

    1. The end of the rainbow is in a cow pasture! When you get home, I will send you out there to look for it.
      Love you,

  2. A rainbow is a lovely natural event caused by physical and optical laws of nature. No more. When I have the chance to see a rainbow (seldom enough), I just enjoy it. Rainbows will be seen by happy and
    by unhappy people. It is no prophecy what so ever, no forecast or
    even a sigh for a gloomy prediction. Just nice to look at.

  3. I'm sorry it's been such a tough year, Jeannie. I truly hope your health improves asap. Hang in there. You are valued.

    1. Thank you Margaret,
      You too are very valuable. They should have chosen you for the cooking show. Blind judges!

  4. Jeannie, I'm truly sorry it's been such a hard year on you.

    From time to time, be selfish, girly and futile.

    Treat yourself with a new lipstick (me), a new hand cream smelling like a million roses (me), a new pair of inexpensive but pretty shoes (me again), anything that will belong to you only and make you smile and feel good about yourself.

    Take care


    1. Sophie-Marie, that is great advice! I have a credit card and I know how to use it. Retail therapy works for me and it will be way cheaper than a psychiatrist! I am going to use it, this evening.

      I am feeling better now. At least my attitude is improving. Each day brings a tiny bit of improvement and if I can just be careful, and not hurt myself again, I will survive! I think opening up and sharing with everyone has helped. Pretending as if life is perfect is a burden.

      Now that I am thinking more about what you said, I do need some new lipstick, lavender smelling hand lotion with bath oil to match, new shoes are a necessity, and of course RED PETUNIAS! I must have red petunias for my flower bed this year. I have wanted red petunias all winter, to go on the front porch where I can see them every time I look out the window.

      Oh, Sophie-Marie, I must get off the computer now, I have shopping to do!

  5. GREAT!!!!

    PS: (shocking pink and coral pelargoniums for me last week, and I now see them each time I look out my window too!!!)

  6. I am sorry for your loss of your aunt.

    Rainbows are so beautiful, and I always choose to view them as a sign of hope, and a cheerful thing. Also, a promise from God to never flood the earth again--(Good thing--the ground is so soggy we can barely walk right now!!!) I guess everyone can choose how they want to view them, but sometimes I have to force myself to think positive. (I'm not always inclined to do that without some prompting from myself!--It's too easy for me to give in to the negative thoughts)

    Hang in there. Hopefully, your shoulder pain will improve somehow, and you will have a good spring and summer. Sometimes, I just cheer up so much with the longer days, the ability to work outside in the garden, the sunshine!!! Like I said, hope keeps me going lots of days.

    1. Thank you Becky. I have been saddened by so much lately. It feels as if I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. What will happen next, I keep wondering?

  7. Hi Jeannie. Life is hard, isn't it? Naively, I have thought that life would get easier as I got older.....the only solace is that Jesus has overcome the world. When I take my eyes off of Him, I'm a mess...I garden because the midst of the ugly things in this world, I need beauty in my life. I'm not sure I've ever seen a double rainbow! What a lovely gift of hope. Consider it a kiss from Jesus....He loves you so.

    1. Thank you Sally, I will take your advice and consider it a kiss from Jesus.

  8. I relate on the pain front, but am clocking in at about, what, six or so months now. Like you I am seeing little teeny bits of improvement as time ticks along, but I am really tired of the pain and limited mobility. I'm sorry about your aunt :(.

    Neat that you got to see two rainbows so close together. I'd try to take it as a positive omen, because why not? Like you I keep waiting for something else to happen, so have been trying really hard just to enjoy the little things that go right. Like increasing amounts of sunshine, produce getting cheaper as it comes into season...things like that.

    Hang in there, fellow soldier! We shall persevere!

    1. I definitely consider you a fellow soldier and I will take the rainbows as a positive omen. I want to believe they mean something good, maybe they mean nothing at all, but I am willing to grasp at any straw. We will persevere!
